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Welcome to Blush Girl the Blog

Little did I know that our blog launch would come during the middle of a global pandemic. What better time to focus on caring for ourselves and to be completely honest, if we can draw on the positives as difficult as that may be depending on individual situations, I can't help but feel this time is for us to go within, to be still and calm, to bring us back to the home, to focus on each other and on simple things. The simple things which we took for granted. We often take our own bodies and our wellbeing for granted, we push and push and push never allowing ourselves any rest. We're always holding ourselves to such high expectations, and to be high achieving in all areas. Navigating blush girl through this time is stressful, but really, how lucky are we to be in Australia right now, to have support and safe homes and really to be gifted this little bit of extra time to just spend by yourself just sitting, doing nothing. The perfect time for us to show you a different side of Blush Girl. You know I've always neglected providing product information. I've always felt that I didn't want to burden you with that feeling of trying to sell. However the truth is good products really are worth it they do work and they will make things easy for you at home. So heres a little something from your  blush girl stylists. Products aren't a one fits all, its about trial and error and its about giving yourself permission to invest your time and invest your money on quality things that make you feel good. It will raise your vibration, it will put you in a better mood a more confident mind frame. It will make you feel good. No matter what happens we want to thrive online, so send us your feedback and please do tell us how we can serve you here on blush girl the blog. Welcome! #loveblushgirl Lauren McNamee



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